Nicci with 2 c's

Wednesday, October 25, 2006

Seriously..... are you kidding me?!?

Bob Dylan on Broadway - anyone else chuckle when they hear this? I saw a musical number from the new 'Times They Are A-Changing" on Broadway. I think the whole famous songwritter into a musical is way over done. BOB DYLAN?!?! And then there's Twayla Tharp. I'm all about dance and respect all those who are contributing to it - but I'm sick of Twayla Tharp. With her bare feet and off beat moves... Enough already.

The song I saw performed was 'Like A Rolling Stone', sung pitch perfect and incredible diction. The "dancers" in the background were dressed up like clowns (eek), dogs, seals and mimes... bouncing on exercise balls and flopping all over the stage. Seriously.... This is the best routine from the show? This is worth spending $100 a ticket for? Are you kidding me?!? BROADWAY - I challenge you to go back and be original and daring with the arts you produce.


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