Nicci with 2 c's

Tuesday, October 17, 2006

Ode to Oreos

I'm not a health nut, but I really do try to eat sensibly. Three square meals a day, a bit of snacking... my downfalls are coffee and soda. But overall, I eat well. Until I get my Oreo craving - once a month (if you know what I mean).
I have been known to sit down and eat an entire bag of Oreos in 2 sittings. With a big glass of ice cold 2% milk. I enoy the double-stuffed. This month, to my enjoyment, I bought a bag of orange creme doubled-stuffed Halloween Oreos. And ate them all in 2 sittings. They were fantastic!
There's something about the crunch and the sweet and the chocolate. It's the perfect cookie. And they are my weakness every 28 days. God bless Nabisco.


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