Nicci with 2 c's

Wednesday, January 03, 2007

People who take themselves WAY too seriously

People who take themselves WAY too seriously:

* Donald Trump - One word: HAIR! Come on guy, you're not that great.

* Rosie O'Donnell - Where do I begin? You are not the Queen of the world (no pun intended). The world does not need you to survive.

* Martha Stewart - You make life waaaayyyyy to difficult. Shut down your chicken coop and just buy your eggs form the grocery store.

* Barbara Streisand - Ugh. You are a has been. So you don't like Bush - was that really enough to make you come out of "retirement"? Soyou could make fun of him daily in your stage show? Go back under your rock.

* Tom Jones - Honey, you are older than my father. No one wants to throw their underwear at you anymore. If they do, I'd duck because they are probably Depends.


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